Sábila Orbe is a computerized sound mixer and digital artist from Rancagua, Chile. Born on august 25th of 1984. At early age grow his interest on digital art. Mainly with his passion for classic DOS games aesthetic . Titles like "Catacomb " series or "Blake Stone" and  Japanese Horror films was his first  conceptually influences. 


Later, he discovers glitch, collage, abstract art tendences. Which are the main styles for all his digital compositions. Some Artists like Alexandra Gorcynski, Ghost Van Gogh,  Roberto Matta, Bianca Gobalesa, Sidney Sime, can be mentioned as references. Also he is deeply influenced and part of the dreamcore /  weirdcore aesthetic scene.


Most of his digital art is inspired by nightmares, dreamscapes and sad nostalgic emotions. Also on paranormal, witchcraft, cyberpunk and psychedelic art.



He studied Professional Graphic Design, on Aiep Institute of the university Andrés Bello between 2004 to 2009.


Currently he is dedicated to  his netlabels: Internet Daemon ( ex Cian Orbe / Witch Spectra). And also to creates all promotional  images and cover artworks for his  personal music projects: Humanfobia, Filmy Ghost & Yaka-anima. // He work as graphic designer in "the real life".-